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Water Transport

Ferry terminals situated in the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zhoutouju, Zencheng, Panyu and Nansha operate direct passenger liner services to Hong Kong. Passenger liners at Dashatou Wharf and Xidi Wharf serve other destinations.

Nansha to Hong Kong

Nansha: 09:30. 11:30.13:30.15:30. 17:30
Hong Kong: 08:00. 09:00. 13:15. 13:30. 15:30

Nansha to Hong Kong: RMB126 for adults; half price for children under the age of 5;
Hong Kong to Nansha: HKD147 for adults; half price for children under the age of 5

1. The passenger liner that leaves Nansha at 15:30 berths at the HK-Macau Ferry Terminal and the others berth at the China HK Ferry Terminal;
2. The liner that leaves Hong Kong at 13:30 departs from HK-Macau Ferry Terminal and all others depart from China HK Ferry Terminal;
3. Other changes are publicized daily.

Ferry Operator: Nansha (Panyu District) Ferry Terminal Passenger Transport Limited
Ticket Booking: 84688963
Nansha Ferry Terminal: No 2 Shangmao Dadao Nan Er Lu, Haibin Xingcheng, Nansha Development Zone, Nansha District, Guangzhou

Lianhuashan to Hong Kong

Lianhuashan (Lianhuashan Ferry Terminal): 08:30. 10:00. 16:00. 18:00
Hong Kong (China HK Ferry Terminal): 07:50. 10:40. 13:50. 18:10

Lianhuashan: RMB130/150/170 for adults; half price for children under the age of 5
Hong Kong: HKD156/176/196 for adults; half price for children under the age of 5

Any changes are publicized daily.

Operator: Lianhuashan (Panyu District) Ferry Terminal Passenger Transport Limited
Ticket Booking: 84659906
Lianhuashan Ferry Terminal: Lianhuashan Ferry Terminal, Shilou Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou.

Guangzhou - Haikou (Liner: Ye Xiang Gong Zhu)
Guangzhou (Shazai Island Ferry Terminal): 16:00 Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
Haikou (Xiuying Ferry Terminal: 16:00 Monday/Wednesday/Friday

RMB110 to RMB240 (RMB180 to RMB380 on national holidays or festivals) 

Tel: 82489839
Location: the Ferry Terminal is on Shazai Island, Nansha, District, Guangzhou (There are passenger cars at the intersection of Chebei Lu in Tianhe District and the Dashatou Port to pick up passengers free of charge)

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